Hands together.


We warmly welcome you to Kokkola or neighbouring areas. If you search for christian fellowship you are on the right website. You may also be just curious about finnish culture and church work. We organize mostly christian meetings but also some non-religious activities. You are welcome from every nationality or faith to take part to our activities. 

Sunday services

We have three churches in Kokkola:

  • Kokkola city church (Kokkolan kirkko)
  • Kaarlela church (Kaarlelan kirkko)
  • Ykspihlaja church (Ykspihlajan kirkko)

Sunday services are held every sunday at 10am in Kokkolan kirkko and at 6pm in Kaarlelan kirkko.
Please use the calendar to check in case of changes.

In english

On this site you can see a list of the activities held fully or partly in english. In these activities there is always a person who can speak english with you or translate to english.

We also have a WhatsApp-group for English speaking christians. Contact us to get invitation to this group in which you can receive info about all the church activities.

Some tips:

  • In Suomipiiri we learn finnish together in evening time with volunteering teachers. Place and address: Lähetyssoppi, Läntinen Kirkkokatu 19.
  • Crosspoint is an evening for worship, prayer and Bible study held every other week. It is for all the ages. Place and address: Yläsali, Läntinen Kirkkokatu 17.
  • Backstage-ilta is a student evening for both international and finnish students. Place and address: Avara, Läntinen Kirkkokatu 17 (door onthe  right, downstairs)

Fellowship and christian meetings for immigrants

Local congregation offers a variety of activities for immigrants in the Kokkola area. These activities are mostly in finnish in Kaarlelan seurakuntakoti (Kaarlela congregation center), address is Kruunupyyntie 3, Kokkola. Families from different nationalities take part and also do volunteering in these activities. Please contact us to easily find the right time and place.

  • International group for women - Kansainvälinen naisten piiri
  • International activity group for men - Kansainvälinen miesten toimintapiiri
  • Lighthouse- international youth evening - Lighthouse- kansainvälinen nuortenilta
  • International sunday school - Kansainvälinen pyhäkoulu

International celebrations during the year (translation to english if needed)

  • Mother's Day Celebration - Äitienpäiväjuhla
  • Summer Day Camp - Kesäkerho
  • Family Days - Perhepäivät
  • Father's Day Celebration - Isänpäiväjuhla
  • Christmas Celebration - Joulujuhla

Please contact us for more information or use the calendar.

Other activities and website calendar

You can also search for the dates and other church activities from calendar. In calendar use the event filter (in finnish: tapahtumahaku) and search with the finnish name of the event to find the next dates. You can also search with the subject areas (in finnish: aihepiiri):

  • Lapsille ja lapsiperheille - For kids and families
  • Nuorille - For youth
  • Aikuisille - For adults
  • Jumalanpalvelukset - Sunday services
  • Musiikki - Music

What we believe in 

Jesus Christ is the core of the Christian faith. He is God’s special revelation. We can receive the salvation that Jesus prepared by believing that He suffered punishment for our sins.

To know more about the Christian faith, click for the website of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Finland.

Kokkola Congregation Union

The union comprises six Evangelical Lutheran local parishes situated in Kokkola, Kaustinen and Halsua:

  • Kokkola Finnish Congregation ("Kokkolan suomalainen seurakunta")
  • Kokkola Swedish Congregation ("Karleby svenska församling" in swedish)
  • Kaustinen and Ullava Congregation ("Kaustisen ja Ullavan seurakunta")
  • Kälviä Congregation ("Kälviän seurakunta")
  • Lohtaja Congregation ("Lohtajan seurakunta")
  • Halsua Congregation ("Halsuan seurakunta")

You can ask us information about all these areas. We are happy to help you to find your place in the Lutheran Church of Finland.


Mission and international work Minna Lempiälä.Minna Lempiälä
mission and international work
050 3147 307

Student priest Antti Björklund.Antti Björklund
student priest
050 3147 306

Chaplain Jani Koivusalo.Jani Koivusalo
050 3147 312

Please contact to any of us. We use WhatsApp!